Sunday, July 26, 2015

Paris July 22

This morning, I woke up and we went on a stroll around town. We took the metro to Notre Dame. It was really pretty! But inside it was REALLY...VERY...even more BEAUTIFUL!!! And from the outside it was so big compared to all the pictures I have seen.

After we went through the whole of Notre Dame, we picked up crèpes for lunch and ate while walking into cute little souvenir shops.The crèpes were so good! And the shops were so adorable.

Mom and amama had researched a dolls museum at home. So we tried to find it by asking several people where it was, but nobody knew! We finally came upon a policewoman who was the only one who knew where it was. So she told us where it was, we followed her directions and found the doll museum! But it was worth it because inside it was so cute and all of us enjoyed it so much! After we finished seeing the doll museum, we went into the dolls store right next to it. We spent hours looking for dolls. In the end, we found a doll each to buy. Then we took the metro back home and had a relaxing evening. 

After dinner, we decided to walk to a neighborhood park. It was a lot of fun playing there.

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